Nice cans from Justin Richards, Australia

Archaeology of Pull Tabs

Nice cans from Justin Richards, Australia

Nice cans from Justin Richards, found in his sisters aviary in Murray Bridge, Australia (Batch 653). Justin wrote that South Australia had a ‘5 cent deposit can’ system since 1977 which changed to 10 cent in 2008. The coke can on the right has no date, but does have a UPC barcode, and an S-II-4 statab which currently is only found in Australia. This can likely dates from the 90s: the can a a pattern of thin spiraling black lines on the body print, which in Europe was used in the early to mid 90s (see

The left can also has a more recent statab (can not be seen in this picture) and a 5 cent deposit. Interesting here is that the expiration date on this can is in 2009, which – if Justin is correct and we believe it so – makes this one of the last cans produced with a 5 cent deposit in South Australia.

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