52th BCCA Canvention with Pull Tab Archaeology
Hi Pull Tab Archaeologists,
Great news from Alex Morton (Indianapolis). He has decided to visit the 52th Canvention of the Brewery Collectables Club of America (August 31 – September 2), likely the largest symposium on beer can collecting in the world, as the Pull Tab Archaeology representative. Alex has been working on a stand / display for weeks already, also including information from William Schroeder and others and has high hopes for winning the ‘ best display of the event’ competition. I am really fond of the idea that Alex will represent us in the place visited by likely the most active collectors of the USA.
See the link if you care to visit too and pay Alex a visit in support! At request of Alex, I also revived our old teespring store (now Spring). Need any merchandise? Then find it here: https://archaeorevolution.creator-spring.com/
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