News & Updates

Archaeology of Pull Tabs

Apologies – for if you noticed

The last days – or weeks! – the website was down for unknown reasons. Apparently there was a database connection error in wordpress, caused by the database user having been deleted. I will have to contact the server administrator how that is even possible! But anyway, we are back online now, and apologies for if …

Picture from Gwynne Hales

At Pull Tab Archaeology we love pull tab stories. So when Gwynne Lockwood Hales sent a picture of some tabs she found walking the the shores of lake Michigan near Chicago, Illinois, we asked why she collected them. She answered: “I was raised on the east coast of United States and followed in my mom’s …

Good news for Pull Tab Archaeology – 2024 Spring Update

Good news for Pull Tab Archaeology – 2024 Spring Update

Happy 2024!

The International Center for Pull Tab Archaeology wishes all Pull Tab Archaeologists a happy 2024!We made the shift to 2024 in good order here in our nice cosy home in Wageningen, the neighbors making sure nobody would accidentally miss the event with their expensive (and illegal ;-)) professional heavy fire crackers. We opened the year …

News from Alex and Evan at the Canvention

Our USA lineage holder Alex Morton (Indianapolis) took the initiative to set up camp at the 52nd BCCA Canvention in Louisville, Kentucky. He spent weeks designing and crafting displays, combining his own work with that of Evan Jaworski, William Schroeder and the Pull Tab Archaeology project. He teamed up with Evan at the airport to …

52th BCCA Canvention with Pull Tab Archaeology

Hi Pull Tab Archaeologists, Great news from Alex Morton (Indianapolis). He has decided to visit the 52th Canvention of the Brewery Collectables Club of America (August 31 – September 2), likely the largest symposium on beer can collecting in the world, as the Pull Tab Archaeology representative. Alex has been working on a stand / …

Big Clive Cat Reppelent Device

Big Clive Cat Repellent Device Tribute

Another kind of archaeology…. Big Clive has been an inspiration for years and although I often do not understand sh*t of what he is doing, he did inspire me to start experimenting with electronics and hurray, here is a result! An attempt to get rid of those pesky cats peeing just EVERYWHERE! The device (the …

Pull tab Puzzle

Pull tab puzzle – original artwork

A project I have been working on for some time was the pull tab archaeology statab puzzle. A fun idea to make pull tab inspired art and an excuse to use my Hegner scroll-saw, a machine I fell in love with last year and was worth every buck! And the box was made by…my mother! …

New country – Brazil!

Thanks to my college-buddy Luc Rouws and his son, we have a new country on our list: Brasil! Luc was a fellow biology student at Wageningen University back in the nineties and early 2000s when I was still in the process of becoming a population ecologist and entomologist…a looooong time ago. Luc emigrated to Brasil …